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Babies Who Don't Like Washing-Washed Baby Coloring Pages

 “If your baby and child refuses to take a bath…” Asst. Assoc. Dr. Mine Elagoz Yuksel told…

Why do some babies and children dislike washing and cry?

Babies are used to being in water in the womb, so most babies enjoy bathing and water very much, but there are exceptions to this situation and some babies do not like to take a bath. This may be related to the structure of the baby or may have occurred later.

Is there such a thing as fear of water and bathing, or is it all about parents' attitudes when taking a bath from infancy?

Can an unafraid infant-child begin to fear the bathroom later on?

Some babies are sensitive to sensory stimuli and may dislike being touched or loud noises, for example, while some such “sensitive babies” will not like bathing. However, there are also babies who initially enjoy the bath and are afraid of it due to unpleasant experiences. Although parents can sometimes predict what triggers this situation, sometimes the baby starts to fear for reasons that are not understood. Babies who get burned, cold, or have shampoo in their eyes because of too hot or cold water may not want to take a bath in order not to experience the same things again. Or there has been a change in the child's life at that time and the child is generally anxious. Especially in preschool children, some fears can be experienced irrationally and intensely according to their families.

Is it possible for children who do not like to take a bath to be afraid of the sea and the pool?

Fear of bathing and other waters are different situations, a child who is afraid of taking a bath may be afraid of the sea and the pool, as well as a child who loves to take a bath may be afraid of the sea and pool.


What should parents pay attention to so that babies love the bath ritual from infancy? (Like the environment and the parents or the people who are washing to be calm during the bath hours, etc...)

The bathroom should not be built for the sole purpose of cleaning. Bathing for a child is like a pastime, a game. Sometimes families are in a hurry to worry about the cold and keep the fun part short. This situation will prevent the child, who does not know why he should wash, from entering the bathroom with pleasure. It should not be forgotten that the bath also contributes to the development of the baby by supporting communication between the parent and the baby, including eye contact and touch, sometimes including massage, and the parent's talking with the baby improves language skills. For this reason, a very short period of time should not be reserved for bathing. Dress comfortably while bathing the child, collect the bathroom rugs. Let him splash water and wet the surroundings as he pleases. Playing with water is an entertainment in itself, as well as toys that can be used in the bathroom, crayons, making foam can make bath time more enjoyable.

Forcing is not the right approach.

Forcing is not the right approach, on the contrary, it will increase the child's fear.


•Do not give the baby a hungry and sleepless bath

• The temperature of the water and the room should be neither cold enough to chill him nor hot enough to overwhelm him.

• Put it into water slowly and with practice, not all at once.

•Never force it.

•Be patient and understanding. First of all, stay calm. A soothing tone of voice and slow movements will also help the child calm down.

•Making the bath a routine makes it easier for the child to prepare himself for the bath time. The appropriate bath time for each child may be different, some in the morning and some in the evening before going to bed.

• It is important to try to understand the situation that is troubling the child. Some babies just don't like getting water on their hair and face. In this case, using a bath cap while washing can provide a solution. Some may be bothered by the smell of shampoo, the stinging of the eyes of the soap, or the hardness of the towel.

•Tell him that you will stop pouring water if his eye burns, if he gets tired of washing, or if he feels unwell.

• If he is afraid from the newborn, a lap bath can be tried, so your baby will feel safer. Bathing with older children can be a solution.

• The place where the child is bathed may have been frightening as well. If he is afraid of the tub, start washing in a large bowl. The non-slip feature of the bathroom floor makes the child comfortable.

•If possible, take your favorite toys with you. For example, wash a doll with it.

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