Coloring book pdf download 13 Ways to Communicate Correctly with the Child - Coloring Book

13 Ways to Communicate Correctly with the Child

 How should you act if he is breaking the rules? Here are 13 ways to communicate correctly with the child.

When raising your child, the way you communicate with him is very important. Saying that this form of communication will form the basis of a lifelong relationship with him, the experts explained the 13 golden rules for correct communication.


1) First of all, you should learn to listen to your child well. Don't pretend to listen to him, he senses it right away. If you have a job, tell him to wait a while and you will listen to him soon.

2) You should make eye contact when talking to him. This makes him feel important. You can hold him in your lap or sit within distance of him before the conversation begins. Speaking from above can create the image that you are a force against him. Give checkmarks to show you understand what they're saying (like nodding, "Um... uh..., yes, I understand you").

3) Listen to their views with respect. He has the right to be heard, even if there is something wrong with him. He should know his own feelings and thoughts and should know that he always has the right to say this in a free environment. A child who can express himself easily will be more self-confident.

4) He should make an effort to solve his problems. Do not act analytically when he has difficulties, just guide him. Let him see that he can find the solution himself.

5) Emphasize the positive aspects first when talking about him, even if he has done something wrong. With this behavior, you should make him feel that nothing is missing from your love for him. After positive ones, negative behaviors should be emphasized with their reasons and new decisions should be taken together for a solution.

6) Every new decision you have made or every rule you have set should continue to be applied decisively and continuously. The consistency you provide will ensure that the right behavior is established.

 7) Give him age-appropriate responsibilities during the day. Do not forget to thank him from time to time for every responsibility he has done.

8) Everything he will do during the day should be planned in accordance with his age. How long will he watch TV, what time will he sleep, when will he collect his toys? A child who is aware of this is more aware of his own limits and being an individual.

9) As mom and dad, plan special routine activities with him every evening. For a child, the mother's place is different, the father's place is different. So don't make an effort to take on each other's roles. Knowing that he will do at least one thing with you every night makes him happy, comfortable and strengthens your relationship.

10) You should express that you love him. A child who grows up with love is much stronger against life.

11) Never hold back on what you promised. This undermines his trust in you.

12) Alert when he exceeds his limits. These warnings should not be in a way to scold or offend the child. With an explanatory warning, the behavior you expect from him after this behavior and a determined attitude, you can already get the result you want.

13) When raising a child, it is very important to be patient and aware that you are a child. In order to be patient, you should also take time for yourself and be more aware of your place in life and your expectations. Remember; happy parents will be able to raise happier children.

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