Coloring book pdf download Kids problems that adults cannot solve free - Coloring Book

Kids problems that adults cannot solve free

 There are problems that preschoolers can solve in no time, although they have not yet completed mathematics and logic. But for adults, these same tasks cause difficulties. The thing is that children's views of the world around them, children's reasoning differ from adults.

We offer you several such tasks. Try to solve them without looking at the answer. If you can't, remember: kids can easily solve them, which means that you, too, have all the data in order to crack this tough nut. Just keep it simple ...

Problem 1. Four-digit numbers

It is said that children solve this problem in 5-10 minutes, while programmers take an hour. How long will it take for you? We pinpoint!


2581 = 2.
Solution. Children don't know how to deal with large numbers. The main information for them in this numerical "gibberish" is visual information. So you just need to count the number of closed circles in the spelling of each number. For example, number 8 has two circles, number 2 has none.

Task 2. Parking

This question is from the Hong Kong Primary School Admission Test. Six-year-olds are given 20 seconds to think. How much do you need?


Decision. Adults start looking for a pattern by which numbers are located, trying to find an algorithm ... But everything is much simpler: the picture is turned upside down.

Problem 3. Box with chocolates

And this problem is from the test for American seventh graders.

The box contains 50 chocolates. Of these, 30 with caramel, 25 with coconut, 10 with both caramel and coconut, and the rest without filling at all. Question: Which of the following diagrams correctly represents the contents of the box?


Chart B

Solution . Simple arithmetic:

Number of chocolates with caramel only: 30 - 10 = 20.

Number of chocolates with coconut only: 25 - 10 = 15.

Number of chocolates without filling: 50 - (20 + 15 +10) = 5.

Task 5. Relationship

A riddle that baffles adults, but children give an answer almost instantly.

Father and son have an accident. The father dies on the spot. The son in critical condition is taken to the hospital for surgery. The surgeon looks at the child in horror and says: “I cannot operate on him! This is my son!"

How is this possible?


The surgeon is the mother of the child.

Problem 6. Where is the bus going?

The simplest task, but adults are confused by it

Problem 7. Sequence of equalities

Adults start solving this problem with a calculator and give the wrong answer. And the secret is simple: keep it simple!


5 = 1
Solution. There was no “continue sequence” task in the problem statement. If 1 = 5, then 5 = 1.

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